Reflection upon return

Hello DU Study Abroad Blog,

It’s been a little over a month since I returned to the U.S. from Thailand. I still miss that country dearly. I think about it almost every day. That experience has impacted me for the better and I can’t imagine life without it. My transition back into DU hasn’t been the easiest. I’ve been struggling to adapt to the cold weather and the altitude. I fell sick as soon as I arrived back in Denver. There have been so many hard parts about coming back, but the main one has been the loneliness. I’ve felt lonely in my experience because I encountered it individually and sharing the stories from abroad isn’t easy. There is so much that I could tell, but if I constantly go on tangents, I may come off as crazy. All my peers have been super busy with their social and academic lives. It feels like life moved on without me and it’s too much work for those around me to catch me up. Gladly, there have been events with OIE that have allowed me to hear about other people’s study abroad experiences. One thing that being abroad taught me is that independence is essential for existing in this human world. This skill has carried over as I’ve returned back to campus because I am now able to enjoy my own company and not long for the company of others. It has been nice to return to a place I am familiar with and to see people I know. My educational journey looks a lot more clear now that I’ve studied abroad and focused on my initial interests. Thank you for going on this journey with me!


Namugga Nakayiza

This was journaled while I was abroad but due to limited internet access, I couldn’t post them at the exact moment. Recorded on 1/25/24.

Nervous about going back to Denver

Hello DU Study Abroad Blog,

Tomorrow, I leave my home in California to return to the University of Denver after 6 months of having not been in Colorado. I am excited to come back to school because there are so many people I haven’t seen in a long time. I’ve missed my friends, my professors, and Colorado’s beautiful sunsets. I am NOT excited about the cold weather. Thailand had such lovely weather and returning to a very dry cold climate scares me. I hope I don’t freeze. It’s also going to be a huge transition back into a routine with so much coursework. I am not ready to have an essay due every week. Anyway, I shall see you all soon!


Namugga Nakayiza

This was journaled while I was abroad but due to limited internet access, I couldn’t post them at the exact moment. Recorded on 1/6/24.